Visit Malaysia 2026 Strategic Roadmap


The Visit Malaysia 2026 campaign is focused on leveraging tourism as a significant economic driver for Malaysia.

To achieve those targets, strategic planning and execution will be crucial, including market segmentation, promotional activities, infrastructure development, and ensuring a seamless and memorable experience for visitors.

It would be interesting to see how Malaysia positions itself in key markets and what unique attractions and experiences it highlights to attract tourists.

The VM 2026 campaign aims to attract 35.6 million tourists and generate RM147.1 billion (US$30.8 billion) in receipts.

Visit Malaysia 2026 Strategic Roadmap by Tourism Malaysia

In detailing the VM 2026 roadmap, Tourism Malaysia said key initiatives would include a branding and marketing blitz, strategic partnerships for joint promotions/tactical campaigns, and market segmentation.

VM 2026 Roadmap
The Tourism Malaysia marketing plan poster for VM 2026.

Tourism Malaysia will conduct aggressive advertising campaigns, engage in influencer marketing, and create compelling content across digital (70%) and traditional (30 %) media platforms.

Tourism Malaysia will also establish strategic partnerships with airlines, OTAs, and neighbouring countries' land/sea border operators to enhance tourist arrivals.

Key target markets are prioritised into three tiers, led by;

  • First-Level Priority Countries: China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Australia
  • Second-Level Priority Countries: South Korea, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, and the UK
  • Third-Level Priority Countries: Chinese Taipei, Germany, Pakistan and Bangladesh

Meanwhile, tourism products and travel experiences will be tailored for niche segments, such as;

  • Nature-based tourism
  • Experiential tourism
  • Medical and wellness tourism
  • Responsible tourism
  • Luxury tourism
  • Weddings tourism
  • Muslim-friendly tourism
  • Gastronomy tourism 
  • Bleisure travel (Business and Leisure)

Visit Malaysia 2026
The Malaysian Tourism Minister.

The minister of tourism, arts and culture said,

“Our multi-pronged VM 2026 strategy provides a comprehensive framework to boost Malaysia’s visibility, enhance destination accessibility and elevate our tourism offerings. Through focused efforts and strategic collaborations, we are confident of achieving our yearly arrivals and target receipts in the run-up to VM 2026.”

The minister added that the NTO would continue to engage industry stakeholders and international partners to refine and execute the VM 2026 strategies, positioning Malaysia as a preferred tourist destination in this region.


A meeting between Tourism Malaysia and industry players on April 30, 2024, has led to various strategic plans to promote the destination among international and domestic markets to support VM 2026.

Malaysia Asia

Blogging since 2007, but writing online since 1997. I belong to the 1st generation of worldwide bloggers, which is of course old-school. Since 2008, I created Malaysia Asia and this travel, flood, gadget and lifestyle blog has won numerous physical awards from tourism boards around Malaysia. (Not those online awards). After 12 years of blogging, I have semi-retired and now blog about things I like, do product reviews and enjoy life. My work has been featured in Lonely Planet, CNN Travel, Yahoo Travel, Wall Street Journal, and many other international publications. Find out more about me and thank you.

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