Bike Rental in Kyoto

Kyoto Bicycle Rental

One of the things I did in Japan in the Spring of 2024 was cycling around, and little did I know there was a bike rental in Kyoto near my hotel.

Staying at the Travelodge Kyoto Shijo Kawaramachi, I checked out several bike rentals and found 100Bikes rental shop just a short walk from the hotel.

Bike Rental in Kyoto

To start, Kyoto is one of those places where everything is within short-distant access, and what is important is staying in the right place to move around conveniently.

The Travelodge Kyoto hotel is strategically located along the main Kawaramachi-dori Street, known to many as downtown Kyoto. It is also accessible to many parts of this historical city in Japan.

From the hotel, it takes only eleven minutes to walk to the Kyoto bike rental shop, and it's a relatively straight walk there, passing many small businesses, shrines and homes.

Kyoto 100Bikes Shop
This is the 100Bikes Shop in Kyoto, at a corner lot.

Arriving at the shop at 9.00 AM, I was surprised to know that there was already a crowd of tourists there, all with the same intention of renting a bike.

The good thing is that they are well-staffed; therefore, I was attended to quite fast, and they asked me if I wanted a general bicycle or an e-bike. Now, that got me thinking, and I inquired about options.

eBikes are quite popular, but the price is double that of the standard bicycle or mama-chari as they are known. When questioning the staff about the overall terrain of Kyoto, they said it was mostly 90% flat.

Therefore, I immediately requested the ordinary bicycles, and to my luck, only two were left. The rest were mountain bikes or e-bikes.

Bicycle Rental Kyoto
We rented these two bicycles from the 100Bikes shop in Kyoto.

The staff put the bicycles aside while they prepared the simple paperwork, asking for your name and contact number. The price was extremely reasonable at ¥1000 per bike, around RM31 or US$6.50.

That price is per day, so 100Bikes Kyoto counts the time you take it until 6.00PM, and if you come back late, they close their business right on time. So, for those who always run late, please take note.

Once the paperwork is completed, you pay them in cash, credit/debit card, or e-wallet. The bike is yours to use until 6.00 PM.

Before you depart, the staff will ensure you know how to lock the bicycle, which side of the road to cycle, where to park, etc.

You must also ask them about the smartphone holder that can be fixed to the bike handle. This will be very handy when you use Google Maps to navigate Kyoto.

Kyoto Renting Bicycle Bike
Me and the mama-chari bicycle that I used to cycle all over Kyoto.

Renting a Bicycle in Kyoto FAQ

Below is a list of frequently asked questions about renting a bike in Kyoto. They may help answer some questions or even provide insight on cycling here.

  • What Type of Bike Rentals Are There? There are two types available, full-day rentals and hourly rentals.
  • How Much is a Bike Rental in Kyoto? - Most bicycle rentals in Kyoto charge anywhere from ¥1000 and above, and the prices are daily.
    ○ Standard Bicycle - ¥1000 (These are mama-chari bikes with 6-speed gear)
    ○ e-Bike or Electric Bicycle - ¥2000 (Stylish and simple e-bikes)
    ○ e-Sports Bike - ¥3000 (These are more durable and recommended for off-road biking)
    ○ Bruno Bike - ¥3500 (This is the popular small-wheeled e-bike)
    ○ Mountain Bikes - ¥5000 (High-end bikes for those riding long distances and off-road)○
  • Which Side of the Road to Cycle in Kyoto? You cycle on the left side of the roads in Kyoto, and most roads have designated bicycle lanes. Always be careful at junctions, as well as other bikes and pedestrians.
  • Must I Wear a Helmet While Cycling? It is not compulsory, but everyone will say it is for your safety, so you decide.
  • Are There Bikes for Kids? Yes, bicycle rentals are available for kids starting at certain ages only. A few kids' e-bikes are also available, but you must contact the bike rental company in advance.
  • Which Areas Are Off-Limits to Bicycles? Several walking streets and pedestrian malls are off-limits to bicycles. Even high-traffic main streets are a no-cycle zone. You will see signs that do not allow bikes, so please take note of this.
  • Where do I Park my Bike in Kyoto? Special bicycle parking areas are available around Kyoto, but they are hard to find. However, you must park in the designated parking area. The price is very reasonable, around ¥200 to ¥300 for a few hours. Most bike parking has payment machines in English mode, and they are easy to use with cash or debit/credit cards.
  • What if I Just Park My Bike Anywhere? The city council will confiscate the bike, and you will have to pay a fine to collect it back. You do not want this to happen, as it will be troublesome.
  • Can I Park My Bike Outside a Restaurant, Cafe, Convenience Shop, or Business? Only those off the main streets allow short parking, and those on the main streets do not. 
  • What if I Return Back Late? You will have to keep it for the next day, and they will charge you an additional day. Many tourists are always late, so take note of this. Be punctual.

Japan Bicycle Parking Machine Info
At some of the bicycle parking places, there is good information in English.

Bicycle Parking Machine in Kyoto
You only need to pay when you are done parking. Payment machines are in dual languages.

Kyoto No Cycling Areas
These are the common no-cycling signs that you will see in pedestrian malls. Please be mindful.

Kyoto Bicycle Parking
In less crowded areas, you can park your bicycle outside shops or restaurants, as long as you do not obstruct anyone. Park only if you are dining here or visiting the shop.

100 Bikes Kyoto Bike Rental Shop

  • Address: 226-1 Sanmonjicho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8135, Japan
  • Google Map Link: 100 Bikes Kyoto
  • Whatsapp: +81752215732
  • Business Hours: 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM
  • Closed: Sunday
  • Website: 100BikesKyoto
Kyoto Bicycle Rental Shop Location
This is the location of the 100Bikes bike rental shop in Kyoto from my hotel.


While in Kyoto, I moved around using my bicycle, bus, and walking. The Travelodge Kyoto is also in the central Kawaramachi district, close to the shopping areas and a five-minute walk to the Mido River.

Across the Mido River lies the famous Gion district, where part of old Kyoto is located. Several of the famous temples and shrines are also located here. For anyone planning to visit this part of Japan, I recommend a bike rental in Kyoto, which makes commuting to many tourist places easier.

Malaysia Asia

Blogging since 2007, but writing online since 1997. I belong to the 1st generation of worldwide bloggers, which is of course old-school. Since 2008, I created Malaysia Asia and this travel, flood, gadget and lifestyle blog has won numerous physical awards from tourism boards around Malaysia. (Not those online awards). After 12 years of blogging, I have semi-retired and now blog about things I like, do product reviews and enjoy life. My work has been featured in Lonely Planet, CNN Travel, Yahoo Travel, Wall Street Journal, and many other international publications. Find out more about me and thank you.

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