Festival of People and Tribes in Bali, Indonesia (Pt 1)

Culture, Arts and People Festival Denpasar Bali
Festival of people and tribes in Bali, Indonesia is a photography post or photo blog dedicated to the many unique and interesting tribes and cultures of Indonesia.

While I visited Bali back in June 2011, I was fortunate enough to attend a massive local festival which showcased the many different people and cultures of Indonesia in one big event.

Being an avid photographer, I was totally ecstatic about this festival which was held at Lapangan Puputan in Badung, Denpasar and went snapshot crazy. The funny thing I noticed here was that the majority of the crowd were mostly locals and I hardly saw any foreigners there. 

Anyway, this stunning event is held once a year and for next year in 2012, I believe I will be there again to witness this event and hopefully with a new camera body and some new lenses.

Without hesitation, I give you the many faces and tribes of Indonesia below. Please feel free to comment or ask me any questions.

Bali Culture, Arts and People Festival in Denpasar

Bali Arts, Craft Festival in Denpasar
A unique face mask from one of the tribes in Indonesia
Klungkung tribe Indonesia
Kabupaten Klungkung tribe

Traditional costume Balinese
Beautiful Balinese girl in traditional attire

Event in Denpasar
One of the tribes which I do not know the name but with beautiful make up

traditional people from Indonesia
Balinese tribe girl

Costume for Sulawesi Barat people
West Sulawesi Tribe (Sulawesi Barat)

Indonesia Jembrana Tribe
Jembrana Tribe Girl

Indonesia Deeng People
Deeng tribe woman
Tabanan Tribe Indonesia
Tabanan tribe girl

Indonesia's Deeng tribe
Deeng tribe people

Indonesia Pedawa people
Desa Pedawa Clan

Indonesia Bangli tribe
Bangli tribe girls

Costume for Klungkung people
Kabupaten Klungkung Attire

Indonesia Klungkung
Another Kabupaten Klungkung girl

Straw Hats from Bali Indonesia
Young Balinese girls in straw headdress

Bali Bangli People
Bangli girl with headdress

Balinese Bangli Girl
Bangli girl from Bali
Balinese Tabanan Girl
Tabanan tribe girl

Tabanan Regency Girl
Tabanan girl

People from Bangli Bali
Pretty Balinese Girls pose for a picture

Traditional Balinese Headdress
Beautiful hairdo and headdress on this girl

Balinese Tabanan Woman
A local tribe girl, Tabanan

pretty local Bali girl
Colorful attire from this tribe

Balinese Women
Beautiful headdress on these Indonesian girls

The pictures taken above are from some of the many tribes found around Indonesia. I also do not know all of the tribe names so if anyone reading this knows, please do share in the comment below.

I would also like to extend my special thanks to Miss Devi and Miss Nonik from Holiday Villa Hotels and Resorts Bali as they were the ones who suggested I go visit this festival during my holiday trip here.

As this is part one, I will be compiling the second part in time to come. The next series of the Denpasar festival of arts, culture and tribes of Bali will showcase the many men in costumes from the Festival of People and Tribes in Bali, Indonesia.
Malaysia Asia

Blogging since 2007, but writing online since 1997. I belong to the 1st generation of worldwide bloggers, which is of course old-school. Since 2008, I created Malaysia Asia and this travel, flood, gadget and lifestyle blog has won numerous physical awards from tourism boards around Malaysia. (Not those online awards). After 12 years of blogging, I have semi-retired and now blog about things I like, do product reviews and enjoy life. My work has been featured in Lonely Planet, CNN Travel, Yahoo Travel, Wall Street Journal, and many other international publications. Find out more about me and thank you.


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